Minggu, 18 Oktober 2020

Pengkaderan Da'i Ma'had Mekkah


معهد مكة 

لإعداد الدعاة

Program Pengkaderan Da'i (I'dad Duat)



▶️Membentuk Generasi Qur’ani di atas Manhaj Para Sahabat Rasulullah ﷺ

▶️Menjadi wadah untuk mencetak generasi Qur'ani unggulan yang berkarakter Islami.


Syaikh Rusydi Bin Muhammad Al-Adni 

(ex. Pengajar di Darul Hadits Ma'rib, Yaman)


Alumni Yaman, Unaizah Arab Saudi, LIPIA, dll bermanhaj Salaf Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah 


1. Tauhid

2. Aqidah

3. Manhaj

4. Hadits & Mushtalah Hadits

5. Tafsir & Ushul Tafsir

6. Fiqih & Ushul Fiqih

7. Qaidah Fiqhiyah

8. Lughoh Arabiyah

9. Nahwu & Sharaf

10. Sirah 

11. Tahsin & Tahfizh


1. Muslim 

2. Usia 16-24 Tahun

3. Ijazah terakhir 

4. SKCK / Tazkiyah Ustadz/Tokoh

5. Mematuhi Tata Tertib & Peraturan Ma'had


Gelombang I (Oktober-Desember 2020)

Gelombang II (Februari-Maret 2021)


WA. 082223339964 

Fb. Yayasanmekah Alislami 


#mahadsunnah #mahadsalaf #ponpessalaf #Salafusshalih #Tahfidz #Quran #sunnah #pengkaderandai #idadduat 

2 komentar:

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  2. Players on both sides of the desk can shuffle the deck again. However 우리카지노 the banker has the proper to shuffle the cards last, and to offer the cards to any player or spectator to chop. If the player requested for a third card and the banker has a total of 0, 1 or 2, the banker at all times attracts a third card. If the entire is eight or 9 the banker automatically wins the coup - the player cannot have a third card on this case. If different gamers have additionally placed bets, then the energetic player should call 'carte' with a total of four or less, and 'non' with a total of 6 or 7.



Hubungi Kami

Alamat :

Komplek PCI Blok B30 No 27 Cibeber, Cilegon, Banten


0822 2333 9964




Yayasanmekah Alislami


Yayasan Mekah Al-Islami